Saturday, 8 September 2012

The Morning Baking.

So it was my birthday a couple of days ago.

I am intensely glad and grateful that I managed to celebrate it with Cher Ting, Bellie, Leona and Jen Min. (Tessa couldn't make it though. Boohoo she was sick.. Its ok I forgive you.)

They are the best bunch of friends anyone could have asked for. Ever.
Like a bunch of bananas. All bunches are different. This one is weirdly shaped, I call it unique.

Googled this.
I can't possibly take a photo of colorful bananas.

Ok, if you don't understand a bunch of bananas, maybe a bunch of grapes perhaps?


I think you get what I'm hinting here.
I have many bunches of friends.
However, this bunch is the crazily rainbow bunch.

The bunch that:
1. Lights up my life
2. Will be there for me any day, any time.
3. Is always thoughtful (Although I am a horribly unthoughtful and selfish person)
4. Is crazy like fudge. (Except Bellie. Ah, too sane.)
5. Has every characteristic of a true best friend. 

We are as close as a bunch of bananas/grapes/wine(?)
Sorry I meant a GLASS of WINE.
No, I do no drink wine.
Pssh but if Ribena counts then, ;)


Frankly, I would have spent my day with my tablemates too. 
Hadassah, Rachel Mandy and Abi. 
But asking Hadassah and Abi to hang out is like:
1. Asking both of them to love and adore SJI.
2. The Impossible.
3. Me becoming a micro-organism.

By this comparison, our chances of going out is close to a NIL.

They were the people that pulled me though the whole year in 3G3.
They were always there for me.
(Including that horrid breakdown regarding canoeing.)

They are the Sane Bunch of Bananas.
There's Abi to control me from not punching people ;)
There's Hadassah to make me do my homework.
There's Rachel Mandy, that well, is probably in almost group as me.


But anyway. 
The day with 
1. Cher Ting
2. Bellie
3. Leona
4. Jen Min
5. Myself

was one of the best days of my life.
Probably one of the best of their's too.
Better be. 

Cher Ting made me a keychain. Hahahahaha HANDMADE OK.
Where can you ever find such a thoughtful friend LIKE THIS?
She sewed it.
Haha honestly, I will never bother doing such things for my own friends.
I am unthoughtful
and selfish.
I suck at buying presents too.

Leona and Bellie,
Gave me a boomboom surprise.
(says that in the annoying Tessa tone)
Too much effort and thought was placed into it.
Probably money too.
PS: They even added in Pantone 348 :D

Creating a present like that will never ever ever ever cross my mind.
Well you obviously know the reason why.

The best presents I give is a nice meal.
At least I know my prezzie goes into their tummy!

Jen Min's prezzie was the Great.
I was damn touched.
But Alina won't cry.
Here's me opening them up.

Too sweet,
Who knew Jen Min (ahemahemahemgagarlorn)
Could ever be so nice? :O
Haha just kidding.
I still have her SJI PE shirt I got from her for last year's prezzie!
D'Awwwwwwww :')

So these are the presents I recieved from that bananas.
I received nice stuff from Amanda too!
She bought me a bag and a green stand for my iphone.
Oh and a card.

And Pin Sern,

Pin Sern hahah oh you funny.
His gift is so thoughtful and hilarious,
I nearly choked while eating.
Its so sweet.
And it looks like something made by a 5 year old.
But then again, Thank You.
It was the thought that counts.
I would love to take a photo of it,
but never mind :)


Anyway, on September the 2nd 2012,
We headed to the club.
1. Swam.
(Pssh bought a new swimsuit just for that.)

After bathing:

We look too pretty.

Before pool,
we had lunch at the Palms.
Which was temporarily placed in Jackson Miller.

Hahahaahahah those candid shots of me make me look so professional,
I just HAD to post them here.
Oh and lovin' the derp faces (Leona and Cher Ting).

2. Pool! 
(Everyone except Cher Ting failing terribly.)

3. Bowling.
(Jen Min is a bowling god.
Maybe cause she's too tall, 
her sense of aim if better. 
Well giraffes are able to see far right?
Jen Min can see the pins so clearly then.)

4. Karaoke.
We lost our voices.
We sounded like dead froggies the next day.
Cause we spent 6 hours singing.
We're incredibly geniuses.
I am extremely a lazy ass and its past midnight,
Here is the link to my album for all the photos.
Especially the million and 1 karaoke photos of drunk us.
The Morning Baking.
<must be my friend before you can actually access the link>

Haha so after karaoke, 
it was already midnight.
And I received pretty happy birthday wishes through smses from so many people!!! 

So we cabbed home haha.
Watched a movie.
Everyone but me fell asleep tsktsk.
At 3am, I woke everyone up
to bake.
Therefore, the album called The Morning Baking.
The cookies and muffins are in the album too!
HAHA they were pretty much a failure.
It was 3 in the morning.
C'mon, cut us some slack :D

Haha so they decided to paint their nails.
I fell alseep haha.

When I woke up, they were still sleeping so soundly.
I took a photo of them sleeping haha!
Its on Instagram.
Happy Searching!
Sorry la
I am very very lazy now.
I have a 4 hours Math lecture tomorrow boohoo.

Yup so Belle went of for her cell outing.
Cher Ting went for training.
Step Up Revolution.
Its too FAB.
Storyline sucks.
But the dances were great.
It gave me more aspects to look at regarding dancing.

Hmm yes.
So I should end now.

I would like to thank everyone for reading my stuff.
Honestly, I think the stuff I wrote at the front was moderately good 
but it sucked as I continued typing.
I am lazy.
And I am selfish.
So go ahead and find the photos yourself haha.

Ok goodnight/ morning.

With Love,

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